Reda Dance alias Reda Becili

Reda Dance alias Reda Becili

✤☆✤ Reda Dance ✤☆✤ est très certainement un des danseurs les plus doués du monde latino parisien… et pour cause il tire son style de différents univers : le Hip-Hop, Salsa, Bachata… qu’il maîtrise à merveille. Très apprécié par ses élèves, Reda Dance à le sens du partage, sa générosité et son sens du partage transparaissent lorsqu’il officie en temps que professeur lors des ateliers qu’il monte ça et là.  Il se plaît à transmettre son art sans aucune réserve.

✅ Mais qui est véritablement Reda Becili
Il a commencé très jeune dans les danses solos et s’est rapidement crée un nom dans le Hip-Hop.
Plus tard, il découvre les danses latines et s’éprend de la Salsa, la Bachata, la Kizomba et le Zouk Brésilien. Milieu dans lequel il évolue aujourd’hui
Très complet, son bagage de danseur de différents styles le propulse et l’amène à enseigner dans le monde entier dans son style unique qu’il a crée et qu’il revendique : L’ URBAN LATIN MOVE.
Présent à Paris en semaine et sur la scène internationale les week- end, sa pédagogie et son expérience de plus de 10ans dans le milieu font de Reda un incontournable dans le monde de la danse latine.

Ce n’est donc pas un hasard si il fait partie de la TEAM des soirées AGUA !

Reda Dance alias Reda Becili

Plus d’infos sur REDA BECILI Dancer/choregrapher :

Source : Piewo Suez


✤ ☆ ✤ Reda Dance ✤ ☆ ✤ is certainly one of the most talented dancers in the Parisian Latin world … and for good reason he draws his style from different worlds: Hip-Hop, Salsa, Bachata … he masters wonderfully … Very much appreciated by his Reda Dance pairs in the sense of sharing. He likes to transmit his art without any reserve … A beautiful example of generosity …

✅ But who is really Reda Becili
He started very early in solo dances and quickly made a name for himself in Hip-Hop.
Later, he discovers Latin dances and falls in love with Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and Brazilian Zouk. Environment in which he evolves today
Very complete, his baggage of dancer of different styles propels him and leads him to teach all over the world in his unique style which he has created and which he claims: URBAN LATIN MOVE.
Present in Paris during the week and on the international scene at weekends, her pedagogy and experience of more than 10 years in the field make Reda a staple in the world of Latin dance.

Reda Dance alias Reda Becili


Plus d’infos sur REDA BECILI Dancer/choregrapher :

Source : Piewo Suez


✤ ☆ ✤ Reda Dance ✤ ☆ ✤ is certainly one of the most talented dancers in the Parisian Latin world … and for good reason he draws his style from different worlds: Hip-Hop, Salsa, Bachata … he masters wonderfully … Very much appreciated by his Reda Dance pairs in the sense of sharing. He likes to transmit his art without any reserve … A beautiful example of generosity …

✅ But who is really Reda Becili
He started very early in solo dances and quickly made a name for himself in Hip-Hop.
Later, he discovers Latin dances and falls in love with Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and Brazilian Zouk. Environment in which he evolves today
Very complete, his baggage of dancer of different styles propels him and leads him to teach all over the world in his unique style which he has created and which he claims: URBAN LATIN MOVE.
Present in Paris during the week and on the international scene at weekends, her pedagogy and experience of more than 10 years in the field make Reda a staple in the world of Latin dance.

More info about REDA BECILI Dancer / choregrapher:

Source: Piewo Suez

Vues : 25
